2005年1月13日 星期四

Maroon 5

最近狂喜歡的樂團,這是繼Linkin Park後,再次讓我熱血的樂團!

2.This Loved
4.She will be loved
12.Sweetest Goodbye
尤其是Secret...love this song so bad!


Watch the sunrise
Say your goodbyes
Off we go
Some conversation
No contemplation
Hit the road

Car overheats
Jump out of my seat
On the side of the highway baby
Our road is long
Your hold is strong
Please don't ever let go
Oh No

"I know I don't know you
But I want you so bad
Everyone has a secret
But can they keep it
Oh No they can't"

I'm driving fast now
Don't think I know how to go slow
Where you're at now
I feel around
There you are

Cool these engines
Calm these jets
I ask you how hot can it get
And as you wipe of beads of sweat
Slowly you say I'm not there yet...

I know I don't know you
But I want you so bad
Everyone has a secret
But can they keep it
Oh No they can't

I know I don't know you
But I want you so bad
Everyone has a secret
But can they keep it
Oh No they can't



Maroon 5 魔力紅樂團官網

6 則留言 :

  1. LP的最新專輯千萬不可錯過..詳情請參考以下網址<br />
    http://www.wretch.cc/blog/richardsu&article_id=1429955<br />
    Maroon5的this love當中有句歌詞我很喜歡..詳情請參考以下網址<br />
    http://www.wretch.cc/blog/richardsu&article_id=487593<br />

  2. LP...(☆_☆)謝!<br />
    <br />
    我很尬意Maroon 5的歌詞<br />
    非常細膩<br />
    講的不是很明白<br />
    但是卻給人有寬廣的想像空間<br />

  3. dear樂蒂<br />
    我沒接觸過這個樂團(其實本身也很少聽西洋音樂)<br />
    但看妳寫的,還有幾張照片...<br />
    唉唷,我突然好想聽喔 XD

  4. 其實我聽的也不算很多<br />
    因為同事提供的mp3貨源中文的比較多<br />
    不過我只要聽到喜歡的,就會去買正版的支持喔(*^﹏^*)<br />
    我也覺得他們的宣傳照,照的真的很棒<br />
    <br />
    這個歌詞有玄機喔<br />
    m---哈哈,不能講<br />
    可以細細體會<br />
    其實我剛讀完歌詞<br />
    雖然字分開來都懂<br />
    但是就是解不出來到底講什麼呢<br />

  5. jlnmcbhjckkvn,cvh,ncv,bn,c,hn,cvnv <br />
    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiukiulhoygfttythyfgkyghytthis that very good
